Archive | November, 2023

Hi! Good To See You!

30 Nov

You’ve guessed by now that I love trees. They are beautiful, living creations, even the ones with unusual shapes and sizes. I met this tree recently while on a neighborhood walk, and I had to look twice to believe my eyes. You see it, don’t you? She winked at me! Proves my theory: all living things want to communicate because we are all related…in a sense. Having passed my tree friend and seeing her wink, I am encouraged to say “Hello” to all my relatives…flowers and birds and the deer in my forest. All of them. Maybe today you will bump into a friend or acquaintance unexpectedly. My recommendation: when that happens, put a smile on your face and say “Hi. Good to see you!” (Use your own discretion about the wink.) Let your Spirit shine today. Here’s a rather daring idea: say hello to strangers, too, as you pass through this good day. As always, Press On.

Better Than Yesterday

29 Nov

It looks a little like yesterday. Well, same coast. Same ocean. Different wonder moment. Just when I thought there could be nothing better than yesterday, there it was. Isn’t that the way it is? Just when we think “it can’t get better than this,” it does. The key word is anticipate. Be on the lookout. Watch for wonder today? See it in the face of a friend or loved one, in the surprises that life brings, in the common and routine. It might even be hiding in the laundry or the trip to the grocery store. Look for the blessing, and when you find it, with gratitude, become the blessing for those around you. Press on.

Manzanita Moment

28 Nov

My friend, Charles, will recognize the letters “P.O.D.” as Plan of the Day, a term every Navy woman or man knows well. But I use it today to mean “Picture of the Day”…and this is it. Eight o’clock in the morning; 38 degrees outside; morning walk. I tried to think how I could frame this picture in my mind. I’d like to pull it up again, even after I’ve walked away and become immersed in something else. Here’s what came to my mind. Thanks to F.S. Pierpoint, who, in 1864 wrote the lovely hymn “For The Beauty of The Earth”, I have a morning mantra that rises to the surface during most morning outings. I hope Mr. Pierpoint won’t mind if I change the pronouns in the first verse, so that the wonderful lyric goes like this: “For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from (my) birth over and around (me) lies, Lord of all to Thee (I) raise this (my) hymn of grateful praise.” Try reciting those words to yourself, over and over again, when you walk the earth, and all will be well. Press on.

It’s A Tree!

27 Nov

Let me explain. These things are called trees. Say it after me: Trees. A friend called the other day and asked for our street address here in Oregon, wanting to find the location on an iphone app. I gave him the information, there was a slight pause as he entered it properly, and then he said: Oh, well. I can’t see where you are. There are too many trees in the way. So, my greeting this morning is for everyone, but especially for friends in Tucson and Oro Valley, AZ who needed the explanation because these giants do not exist in the Sonoran Desert. The desert is beautiful in its own way, and those adapted trees called Mesquites are very nice. But, oh, the amazing height of these ancient inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest. Ancient is the word, even older than my good friend, Harvey, the centenarian. Isn’t it wonderful how living things can adapt to location and climate. Living beings are remarkable creations, related and relying on each other. So, whether in Oregon or Arizona, say good morning to a tree, those hummingbirds that dart and dive at your window, to your sometimes grumpy neighbor, to mountains and oceans…you get it. All living beings. And while you’re at it, say thank you to God for all our interactions in this beautiful creation. Be blessed today, and then share the blessing.

Good Morning, Neighbor

26 Nov

We have such friendly neighbors. They stop by to say hello, nibble a little greenery in the yard, and pose for pictures. I am pleased to report that this is a very cordial neighborhood. I’m thankful today for my neighbors who extend themselves in kindness. I’ll bet you have good neighbors, too. As an act of grace, let them know today how much you appreciate their place in your life. And, remember…to have a good neighbor is to be a good neighbor. Be blessed today and, in turn, bless along the way.

Earth Canvas

25 Nov

Creation is a huge canvas on which sacred art is displayed. The meaning, the metaphor, is striking.
The first photograph is a stunning example of the earth’s ability to carve and sculpt one common thing into something extraordinary. The old, weathered, long-traveled wood is shaped into the truth, here in metaphor, that all things are beautiful in their own way. The second photograph is one friend helping another, holding him or her up, embracing in assistance and care. Look, today, for your piece of the canvas. Be aware. It is there. Be blessed and be a blessing.

Water From The Rock

24 Nov

Water from the rock, gushing from the side of the mountain. Living water that renews and refreshes. May we, today, be bathed in the Living Water of Life, the viable and visible presence of the Spirit who moves in and among us. Grace and peace to all. Be blessed and be a blessing.

A Place Of Angels

23 Nov

It was a mystical walk along a short trail through a thick forest onto a secluded beach. Surely this is the place of angels. Isn’t it wonderful when, without plan or warning, you stumble into place or a moment that is enchanting? For those of you who know the Celtic term “thin place,” this is it. Hope you find one today. Keep your eyes and your heart open. It might be just around the corner. Be blessed today, and be a blessing in return. Press on.

Manzanita Moment

22 Nov

At first glance, I thought the forest was on fire. But it was just the sun saying hello in a spectacular sunrise. And it wasn’t long before three neighbors stopped by to say hello and welcome us to Manzanita. It was a very kind gesture. I offered coffee and a pastry, but they preferred stems and leaves. We visited for about half an hour and then they disappeared into the thick brush. Wasn’t that a thoughtful gesture? Their visit made me wonder how I could be welcoming and generous today. I’m going to work on that. How about you?

Reasons To Rejoice

21 Nov

Living on the Oregon coast for a few months provides so many Reasons To Rejoice. May I share some with you from day to day? Be blessed this day and be a blessing to someone else.