Archive | July, 2022

Clouds Falling

31 Jul

Round and round it goes, and where it stops…well, it doesn’t. It never stops the eternal cycle of transformation. What you’re looking at is a cloud reflection in a puddle of wonderful rain. Cloud. Rain. It’s all the same. It just changes names. The cloud I see in the morning sky is going to churn for a little while, and then it’s going to fall out of the sky onto my head, all over my just-washed car, onto the potted plants struggling with thirst, onto the deer and coyotes roaming the mountainside, onto all living things that cannot survive without a drink. Onto the earth that will become a ball of dust without the silver droplets of cloud. Everything is connected. Everything belongs. I know exactly what these words mean: earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. And I take great comfort in knowing that I am a small part of forever, forever in the mind, the heart, and the presence of the Creative Source I call God. Just now a little hummingbird paused at my window long enough to wink and wave, and in the distance a somber, gray cloud is turning pink right before my eyes. It’s going to be a good day. We, you and I, belong. Thanks be to God!


28 Jul
Everyday, in some way, I am reminded of The Presence. A kind word, a helping hand, the joy of waking in a new day, sky art in the evening when the canvas glows at sunset. Everyday, in some unexpected way, the message comes. You are never alone. Don’t be afraid.

Mother of the Mountain

20 Jul

Mother of the Mountain, watch over us as we sleep tonight and smile upon us when we wake into the gift of the new day. May we share the tenderness of your heart with all who struggle, your unflappable courage with all who fear, your wisdom with all the inhabitants of this earth who look to the heavens for help in discerning right from wrong, truth from error, faith from self-serving indulgence. Mother of the Mountain, bless us one and all and cause us to smile when we see your lovely countenance in the evening sky. This is our prayer tonight as shadows lengthen and darkness drifts across the land. Amen.

Bridge In The Fog

15 Jul
The bridge in the fog is a visual metaphor. It means…..what you think it means. I invite you to spend a few minutes absorbing the photo, letting it become the complete focus of the moment. What does it say to your mind? To your heart? Can you see it with your spirit?

Inconspicuous Beauty

9 Jul

Thank you, God, for inconspicuous beauty. For “taken for granted” encounters. For all that is common and ordinary. Remind me today that nothing is without value…and no one. I am grateful for this particular day because I am confident that at some moment I will do a double-take and say to myself: “Wow!”

Living Water

4 Jul
Water for cleansing, healing, for growing things. Water that flows gently, soothing and relaxing. Water that bubbles and bounces over rocks in the river. Then…the torrent that leaps from the mountainside and tumbles down the steep slopes. Today is July 4 and the tender planting we call home, the earth dotted with continents and nations, all manner of living things, yearns for the water of peace and stability. At one time, water covered the vast expanse of everything, life giving water that produced order out of chaos. One great water from which all things came at the word of the Universal Voice. “Let there be…” I think that voice still speaks, calling us into Light and Air, a gifting voice heard only by those who listen with the heart. Today, when you take that refreshing drink in the heat of this monsoon season, remember that Living Water is the source of your life. And, before you dash off to the next assignment or appointment or adventure, speak a word of thanks. A lot of water under the bridge since that first July 4 many, many years ago. But the water that keeps us going, physically and spiritually, as a people who value principles of ethics and justice, that Water never runs dry. Drink deeply of this life-giving source.