Archive | September, 2021
25 Sep
You have to flap to fly.
Use those wings today.
God has made an investment in you.
Show yourself worthy of the calling.
Spread those wings.
Lift off. Life waits.
20 Sep
A pot of gold? No, a promise. A reminder of presence. A signal that satisfies our hunger for the Holy. Lift your eyes and you will find that your heart is lifted, too.

Unfinished Until…

18 Sep

It took time and patience to create this lovely mosaic. Just the right colors, a variety of shapes, the arrangement which brings out the beauty of each tile and the beauty of the whole design when all the pieces compliment each other. The colorful tiles certainly did not fall into place by themselves. A creative mind and a steady hand were required.

But, if you tilted the mosaic or displayed it on a shelf, all the pieces would end up on the floor. It isn’t finished. Something is missing, something absolutely essential. Grout. It is grout that holds it all in place, anchors the individual pieces so that a lovely design is created. No grout, no mosaic.

So in the spiritual life for the followers of Jesus. “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God…and He holds all creation together.” (Colossians 1) Holds it together, individually and collectively. Your life, my life, our lives together. Lots of implications in that biblical statement. Think about it. Good news for this good day.

Lift Off!

16 Sep

Today I will stretch my wings.
Today I will fly.
I have the ability to rise above the moment
and to float in the breath of the Eternal.
I have been equipped to be extraordinary.
I possess and am possessed by the Spirit.
Today, for the good of all creation,
in service to Christ’s Kingdom,
as a gift of my deep gratitude,
I will stretch my wings
and I will fly.

Golden Key

12 Sep

Take the earbuds out of your ears,
listen to the silence.
Turn the television off, you
can catch the news later.
Listen in the silence.

That smartphone in your pocket,
mute and leave it in the bedroom.
Begin to hear nothing.
Thousands of inhales and exhales
will go by today unnoticed,
say hello to five couples right now.
Slowly. Slowly.

Is what awaits in the day
more urgent than this moment of
uniqueness? Of course not.
In the silence you will meet yourself,
the real self, the unadorned self.
Don’t be impatient.

The self you meet holds a
golden key to a door
to an encounter,
to a mystery.
A key. Yes.
Take it.

Let the silence be filled with the sound
of the latch opening, the door moving
in a familiar ark
Now step through.

Remaking The World

9 Sep

Listen with your ears
until you hear with your heart.

See with honest eyes
until you become what you see.

Speak words
until you create wonder.

You have the means to
make miracles.

This day is a laboratory
and you have at your fingertips
all the eternal elements
that succor and sustain.

Be courageous.
You are not alone.
Remake your world and
I will remake mine.

From the crucible of Sacred Mystery
we will fill the universe
with songs and begin to
heal the hatred and
the hurt.

A Suggestion

7 Sep
Not a bad way to end the day. Or, start it. Let your day begin with devotion and end with evening prayer.
It’s called a discipline, and once developed, the discipline does wonders
for the rest of the day.
Be grateful.
Be open.
Be Christ in the world.


3 Sep

When all the little fragments of reality come together, far beyond our understanding or explanation

When all the little atoms and molecules, dreams and hopes join their essences in one moment

When all the Memories, the Magic, the Mystery find Coherence

When the common becomes Sacred and the Sacred becomes common

This is the result. Just this. Enough?

I think so.